Feedback on Week 2

20 Jan

Hi Guys

Thanks for some good sessions yesterday.

There were a few things that came out of them:

  1. there are some good ideas already being developed but some ideas pitched are just that: ideas. Ideas are not stories so make sure that you remind yourself of the stuff you have done (or look at it for the first time) around constructing narratives. We will pick up on it throughout the module.
  2. Some groups are racing ahead with ideas. At this stage, you should be developing ideas and working on the professional skills of evaluating them. I am not saying don’t do good ideas, just that in choosing ideas quickly, you are not really doing or reflecting upon the process as a process (i.e. a series of steps). Some ideas were chosen “because they were good” but, in professional terms, that is not the only reason an idea will be green-lighted (lit?).
  3. Make sure that you set up, and start posting stuff up on, your group blogs. Send the address to me and I will post up the link. Make sure the name has your production group name in it. For next week, drafts of outline, treatment and script.
  4. Can one person in each group send me the name of the group, the names of the group members and their mobile numbers.

Cheers all and have a good weekend.

Don’t forget to complete your Nokia Short for next week. We will be playing them in the lecture.

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